Career, Job
Winning over the Robots: How Talents Should Thrive in the Automated Age
19 October 2017 by Emma
Radical advances of science and technology have become the game changers in almost every aspect of today’s modern life. Nowadays, it is not uncommon to talk to chatting bots instead of real customer service officer, or see robots employed as factory worker in manufacturing company. With the automated machine, robotics, and artificial intelligence have grown to be more sophisticated than ever, how would their existence affect the world of work and change the future of jobs?
Slowly but surely, robots are taking over human’s positions in the workforce. For some industries, machines are employed to improve productivity such as in manufacturing and automotive companies, while some others are used to take care of dull administrative tasks. Additionally, robotic machines are also increasingly used to accomplish particular missions that are highly dangerous in nature, such as investigating and exploring the outer space. However, on top of helping make our life easier, experts are grappling with the question over how robots might affect the workforce.
Some jobs are more vulnerable to be replaced by robots than the others. According to a recent report from consultancy firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), automated machine could take nearly four in ten (38 percent) jobs in the U.S by 2030. Across the globe, it is predicted to take 30 percent of jobs in the United Kingdom, 35 percent in Germany, and 21 percent in Japan. The study found that among the jobs at the greater risk of replaced by robots include those in the transportation and storage (56 percent) sectors, as well as manufacturing (46 percent) and retail (44 percent).
Given how the rise of robots could be a threat for taking over human employment in the workforce, how should talents do to survive and thrive in the automated age? Take a look at the following tips on how you should deal with this matter:
1. Learn essential skills
While Millennials are known to be the most educated generation throughout history, they might not be learning the right skills to succeed in the future. Too many people are leaving school or college without learning basic skills to compete in the automated workforce. If talents want to stay relevant with current job trends, they need to stay abreast of new technology while committing themselves to learn essential skills.
2. Make yourself unique
You can choose either be the first, or be different. Amidst today’s changing job market, creativity is a crucial element that helps you stand out from the crowd. Unleash your imagination and bring something out of the box. The ability to create something unique is something that robots cannot do. Machines only have ability to do or produce something that is uniform, monotonous, and lack of authenticity. Meanwhile, you can do more than just that, by showing your uniqueness.
3. Be open to change
Most employers would agree that hiring for attitude and aptitude is way more important than hiring for skills. Rather than hiring experienced talents with rigid character, employers would be more interested in bringing in someone who demonstrates willingness to learn and is open to change. That being said, it is time for you to keep your mind open and embrace what life might bring.
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