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Leading Self
Leading Teams
Discover the pillars of Product Management on Product Strategy, Influencing People and Product Execution through our latest intensive course.
Discover the pillars of Product Management on Product Strategy, Influencing People and Product Execution through our latest intensive course.
Pelatihan ini merupakan pelatihan berbasis output yang konten pelatihannya disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan olah dan analisis data menggunakan fungsi advanced dari Ms. Excel yang jarang digunakan oleh kalangan umum.
Pelatihan kompetensi pengelolaan administrasi dasar untuk tim manajemen SDM di perusahaan. Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini peserta mampu mengelola kebutuhan administrasi mendasar di perusahaan terkait distsibusi pekerjaan, pengupahan, jaminan sosial, dan rekaman kebijakan manajemen SDM. Pelatihan dilakukan daring atau luring (optional) .
Pelatihan kompetensi instruktur berdasarkan ketentuan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia, Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia, dan SK Direktorat Jenderal Binalavotas Kemnaker RI
Pelatihan kompetensi instruktur berdasarkan ketentuan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia, Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia, dan SK Direktorat Jenderal Binalavotas Kemnaker RI
Pelatihan kompetensi pendampingan (supervisi) untuk para coach bisnis, baik dari kalangan praktisi bisnis maupun akademisi dan birokrat.
Pelatihan kompetensi operator pemasaran di perusahaan, baik perusahaan skala kecil maupun besar.
Pelatihan kompetensi pemasaran dengan menggunakan tools website dan media sosial. Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini peserta mampu memasarkan suatu produk secara sistematis, strategis, praktis, dan terevaluasi dengan baik menggunakan tools website dan media sosial. Pelatihan dilakukan online atau offline.
Pelatihan kompetensi supervisi untuk tim manajamen SDM di perusahaan memberikan peserta pemahaman yang komprehensif tentang peran Supervisor SDM dan memberikan keterampilan praktis untuk mengelola tim
Pelatihan kompetensi manajerial SDM di perusahaan secara komperehensif. Pelatihan ini mempelajari peran dan tanggung jawab seorang Manajer SDM dalam mengelola tenaga kerja secara efektif. Pelatihan in
Pelatihan kompetensi pengelolaan supply chain (rantai pasok) dalam berbagai sektor industry secara komprehensif.
Pelatihan kompetensi mengolah gambar dan video menjadi produk video yang proper untuk dipublish.
Pelatihan kompetensi membuat website untuk kebutuhan portfolio maupun display produk.
Pelatihan kompetensi dasar desain grafis untuk memproduksi produk desain umum (poster, spanduk, konten media sosial)
Pelatihan pemahaman dan aplikasi Metode Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
Pelatihan kompetensi metodologi pelatihan kualifikasi 3 berdasarkan ketentuan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia, Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia, dan SK Dirjen Binalavotas Kemnaker
Pelatihan kompetensi metodologi pelatihan kualifikasi 3 berdasarkan ketentuan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia, Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia, dan SK Dirjen Binalavotas Kemnaker
Pelatihan kompetensi metodologi pelatihan kualifikasi 3 berdasarkan ketentuan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia, Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia, dan SK Dirjen Binalavotas Kemnaker
Pelatihan kompetensi instruktur master berdasarkan ketentuan SKKNI, KKNI, dan SK Dirjen Pembinaan Pelatihan Vokasi dan Produktivitas Kemnaker RI
Pelatihan kompetensi instruktur master berdasarkan ketentuan SKKNI, KKNI, dan SK Dirjen Pembinaan Pelatihan Vokasi dan Produktivitas Kemnaker RI
Pelatihan kompetensi instruktur master berdasarkan ketentuan SKKNI, KKNI, dan SK Dirjen Pembinaan Pelatihan Vokasi dan Produktivitas Kemnaker RI
Pelatihan kompetensi instruktur master berdasarkan ketentuan SKKNI, KKNI, dan SK Dirjen Pembinaan Pelatihan Vokasi dan Produktivitas Kemnaker RI
Pelatihan pengelolaan Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi sesuai Pedoman BNSP 201 dan 202
Pelatihan kompetensi Menyusun modul pelatihan berdasarkan acuan SK Dirjen Pembinaan Pelatihan Vokasi dan Produktivitas Kemnaker RI
Pelatihan penyusunan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Khusus (SKKK) yang akan menjadi acuan pelatihan berbasis kompetensi dan sertifikasi kompetensi di Sektor/Bidang yang belum ada acuan pada SKKNI
Pelatihan penyusunan skema sertifikasi untuk Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi dan mengurus proses verifikasi sampai penetapan skema sertifikasi.
Pelatihan kompetensi staff administrasi (Lembaga Pelatihan) berdasarkan ketentuan SKKNI, KKNI, dan Dirjen Pembinaan Pelatihan Vokasi dan Produktivitas Kemnaker RI
Pelatihan Audit Sistem Manajemen Mutu LSP (Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi) memberikan pemahaman dan keterampilan dalam melakukan audit terhadap sistem manajemen mutu LSP.
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ą¹ąøąø§ąøąø²ąøąøąø²ąø£ąøąø±ąøąøąø² : Result-based Goals (Managerial Skills)
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5S Human Leader (Discovery)
Explore Psychological First Aid (PFA) in this workshop, learning to identify, understand, and aid in trauma situations with practical skills and self-care strategies.
This 7 hours course will improve your understanding of stress and its effects on mental and physical health.
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By the end of the course, participants will have:
Ā· Developed a customized DEI action plan for their organization
Ā· Created a toolkit of DEI best practices and resources
Ā· Formulated strategies to address unconscious bias and microaggressions
Ā· Designed a framework for measuring and evaluating DEI initiatives
By the end of the course, participants will have:
Ā· Developed a data-driven HR strategy aligned with business objectives
Ā· Created a dashboard of key HR metrics for their organization
Ā· Designed an HR analytics project plan addressing a specific business challenge
Ā· Formulated strategies for promoting a data-driven culture within HR and the broader organization
After the program, your delegates will have the following benefits:
Ā· Apply Strategic Thinking to leverage the Business Model Canvas to test their business models
Ā· Apply the Innovation Disrupts to capture the targeted customer segment
Ā· Apply a Balanced Scorecard as a tool for aligning strategic priorities and cascading SMART goals across teams
Ā· Abie to raise vital questions and problem statements to maximize solution impact
Ā· Formulate practical action plans to improve and sustain team performance
By the end of this training program, your Audit Department will be well-equipped to not only navigate stakeholder complexities adeptly but also to contribute proactively to a collaborative, innovative, and operationally efficient work culture
By the end of the course, participants will have:
Ā· Developed a customized employee experience roadmap for their organization
Ā· Created an action plan to improve retention rates
Ā· Designed strategies for enhancing key touchpoints in the employee lifecycle
Ā· Formulated a framework for measuring and evaluating employee experience initiatives
By the end of the course, participants will have:
Ā· Developed a customized employee experience roadmap for their organization
Ā· Created an action plan to improve retention rates
Ā· Designed strategies for enhancing key touchpoints in the employee lifecycle
Ā· Formulated a framework for measuring and evaluating employee experience initiatives
By the end of the course, participants will have:
Ā· Developed a mental health and well-being action plan for their organization
Ā· Created a toolkit for recognizing and addressing mental health issues in the workplace
Ā· Designed strategies for promoting work-life balance and stress management
Ā· Formulated a framework for implementing and evaluating mental health initiatives
By the end of the course, participants will have:
Ā· Developed a mental health and well-being action plan for their organization
Ā· Created a toolkit for recognizing and addressing mental health issues in the workplace
Ā· Designed strategies for promoting work-life balance and stress management
Ā· Formulated a framework for implementing and evaluating mental health initiatives
By the end of the program, participants will be able to create detailed competency profiles and use these profiles to identify and address skill gaps within their organizations. Its facilitates the following takeaways :- ļ· Understand the fundamentals of competency profiling. ļ· Learn methods to develop and implement competency models. ļ· Understand the process of linking competency profiles to training needs analysis (TNA). ļ· Apply practical examples and case studies to reinforce learning.
By the end of the program, participants will be able to create detailed competency profiles and use these profiles to identify and address skill gaps within their organizations. Its facilitates the following takeaways :- ļ· Understand the fundamentals of competency profiling. ļ· Learn methods to develop and implement competency models. ļ· Understand the process of linking competency profiles to training needs analysis (TNA). ļ· Apply practical examples and case studies to reinforce learning.
By the end of the course, participants will have:
Ā· Developed a personal action plan to address their own unconscious biases
Ā· Created strategies for recognizing and mitigating bias in key organizational processes
Ā· Designed an unconscious bias training module for their teams
Ā· Formulated a framework for ongoing bias awareness and mitigation in their organization
By the end of the course, participants will have:
Ā· Developed a personal action plan to address their own unconscious biases
Ā· Created strategies for recognizing and mitigating bias in key organizational processes
Ā· Designed an unconscious bias training module for their teams
Ā· Formulated a framework for ongoing bias awareness and mitigation in their organization
By the end of the course, participants will have:
Ā· Developed a personal action plan to address their own unconscious biases
Ā· Created strategies for recognizing and mitigating bias in key organizational processes
Ā· Designed an unconscious bias training module for their teams
Ā· Formulated a framework for ongoing bias awareness and mitigation in their organization
Ā· Enhanced self-awareness among employees about their strengths and areas for improvement.
Ā· Clear, actionable career goals and plans for each participant.
Ā· Improved skills in areas such as communication, leadership, and problem-solving.
Ā· A sense of empowerment and responsibility for personal and professional growth.
Ā· Enhanced self-awareness among employees about their strengths and areas for improvement.
Ā· Clear, actionable career goals and plans for each participant.
Ā· Improved skills in areas such as communication, leadership, and problem-solving.
Ā· A sense of empowerment and responsibility for personal and professional growth.
Get empowered to make well-informed decisions and manage risks effectively under the new accounting standards
Participants will learn modern recruitment strategies, bias-free selection techniques, and practical tools for making informed hiring decisions.
Participants will learn modern recruitment strategies, bias-free selection techniques, and practical tools for making informed hiring decisions.
The course combines theoretical knowledge with practical applications, case studies, and interactive discussions to ensure participants gain actionable insights they can implement in their organizatio
The course combines theoretical knowledge with practical applications, case studies, and interactive discussions to ensure participants gain actionable insights they can implement in their organizatio
The introduction of Business analysis reflects the concepts and theories of analysis activities in business fields. You will discover what the business analysis is and the importance of that area in today's global enterprise world.
Data visualization concepts, data visualization tools
You will learn the basic concepts of information management and data visualization. While getting to know popular and widely used data visualization tools, you will discover the importance of the Power BI ecosystem and its differences from other tools. Additionally, at the end of the first week, you will determine your personalized project topics with predefined sample data sets for your areas of interest and clarify the field of work you need to carry out practically until the end of the semester.
Project Management Professional (PMP)Ā® is the worldās leading project management certification by PMI(Project Management Institute) pmi.org.
Ready to boost your sales? Discover how to truly understand the needs of your customers. Learn how to build rapport, match benefits with customer needs, handle objections, and close more deals ease!
Topic : Comprehensive Service Excellence Skills
Trainer : Kussusanti
Schedule : 14-15 Nov 2024
Training Method:
- Discussing concept
- Game/quiz
- Case study
- Role play
- Screening movie
- Individual assessment
Materi :
- Introduction
- Service technique
- Handling complaints
- Maintain good relationship
The goal of this one-day course is to give senior managers in any industry the tools they need to learn how to effectively handle conflict and multitask.
This course focuses on the role of individual performers in implementing change in the workplace.
Equips participants with practical strategies to overcome biases and build a positive workplace culture, driving innovation, collaboration, and organisational success.
Learn to manage emotions, improve teamwork, and foster a positive work environment for personal and professional success.
Join the ICF-approved Coach The Coach program to master coaching techniques, build a 6-figure coaching business, and inspire growth. Suitable for aspiring coaches and leaders in any industry
Unleash your power for success and happiness with our comprehensive NLP Practitioner training. Master advanced techniques to transform your life and others, gaining confidence and clarity in your goal
Unlock the power of the unconscious mind with the 3-day Hypnotherapy Certification. Gain hands-on skills to transform lives, eliminate bad habits, and enhance personal and professional growth.
Effective handling of issues of poor performance for probationers and confirmed employees is important. The program is also punctuated with practical exercises and and case studies.
This program deals with Disciplinary Procedures & Domestic Inquiry systematically and incorporates industrial court awards to discuss the courtās view on certain aspects of the DI process.
This program deals with Domestic Inquiry (DI) systematically and incorporates industrial court awards to discuss the courtās view on certain aspects of discipline and the domestic inquiry process.
This course is designed to deal with the problems of persistent sick leave, absenteeism and malingering at the workplace.
This course will cover key practical aspects of managing workplace sexual harassment and avoiding any sexual harassment issues/incidents to be occurring at the workplace.
This course is designed to enhance your skills in interviewing, selecting, and recruiting top talent, ensuring that you can identify and attract the best candidates for your organization.
This program will help you cultivate high-involvement collaborative change leadership strategies to help your people go through the change steps/processes effectively.
This program will equip you with a strong foundation of great leadership. You will learn the essential mindset and skillset to make the transition from individual contributor to supervisor/manager.
Training and Certification programme to
What you will be learning on this 1-day Stakeholder Engagement Define What Stakeholder Engagement is and Utilize the Five-Step Approach How to easily identify all of your key stakeholders and mapped
Upon completion of the course, learners will be able to: Identify the foundational principles in order to grow as an Authentic Leader Gain improved clarity on your personal core values Apply a perso
Upon completion of the course, learners will be able to: Identify the foundational principles in order to grow as an Authentic Leader Gain improved clarity on your personal core values Apply a perso
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