LMW Concept & Objectives
manufacturing, principle approval
Licensing Conditions
Bank Guarantee / General Bond
Addition of Branches or Transfer of Premises
Renewal LMW, Facilities and Application Pr
-Productivity Enhancement Through Effective Teamwork: Kings & Queens
-Effective Accomplishment Of “Almost Impossible” Task: Fender Bender
-Everyone Has Value: Value Game
-Rectify Team Improvement Tact
Business Communication Basics
Communicating for Winning Performance- “Telling” skill
Communication with the differences- DISC
Communication during Conflict Management
For the Aggressive Communicator ,
1.Four Steps to Manage Conflicts Effectively
2 Five Conflict Management Styles
Shipping Documentations
Customs Declarations
Cargo Insurance
Letters of Credit
Logistics Models
Certificate of Origin
1: Basis of Malaysian Corporate and Individual Income Tax / Scope of Charge for Income Tax, 2: Malaysian Accrued / Derived Income vs Foreign Sourced Income, 3: Tax Residency , 4: Types of Income etc
Module 1: Introduction to Recruitment
Module 2: Key Elements of a Recruiting Strategy
Module 3: The Selection Process
Module 4: Goal Setting Using the G.R.O.W. Model
Module 5:The Interview Process
Day 1: Foundations of Project Management
Session 1: Introduction to Project Management
Session 2: The Five Stages of Project Management
Session 3: Project Integration Management
Session 4: Scope and T
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